Advice on strong starts from a Honeycomb Alumni

Listen to Honeycomb Alumni explain how they launched their Honeycomb offerings with lightning starts!


Brit & Ryan Snipes, owners of Realm Refillery, a refill shop based in Portland, OR funded $100k from 55 local investors.

Brit and Ryan had an incredible start to their Honeycomb offering, which was key to their success. Watch the video below to hear Brit's expert advice on how to strategize and drive a momentous launch.

Jack & Tyler, owners of Gingerworth Beer, a ginger brewery based in Pittsburgh, PA funded $35k from 54 local investors in 10 days.

They had an strong start to their Honeycomb offering, so much so that their investment offering reached its maximum funding goal in 10 days. Watch the video below to hear Jack's  advice on how to strategize and prepare for a fantastic start.