How to engage with your investors after your successful Honeycomb offering

Part of the power of a successful Honeycomb offering is the aftermath of having a group of people who are emotionally and financially invested in your success. Here's how to make the most of it.

3 Ways to Engage With Your Investors After Your Honeycomb Offering

1. Share an update on your offering page!

Investor updates are powerful. Investors love to know what's going on with your business.  Continuing to share updates is integral to harnessing the full potential of your Honeycomb offering. It's about nurturing the community you've built through your raise and celebrating your collective progress. 

Watch this video for an example on how to make an update to your Honeycomb offering. 

Examples of types of updates to post: 

Taylor's Taco Update

Hieber's Pharmacy Update

  • "In the news" update - Got a mention in the media? Make sure your investors share in the excitement of your press features.
  • New product update - Whenever there's something new on the horizon, whether it's a dish or a device, let your investors discover it first. Share these launches to not only inform but also to celebrate these milestones together.

2. Host a soft-opening or a "reveal" party (if applicable). 

Investors love to see exclusive previews of your growth projects! Consider hosting special events for investors to meet the team, see the operations firsthand, and network with one another. Interested in working with Honeycomb to collaborate on an event? Let your customer experience manager know. 

Danielle, owner of Tubby's Taste, raised $55k+ from 74 investors. To celebrate her success, she hosted a success party at The Hatchery Incubator in Chicago!

Tubby's Taste

Fernando & Meredith, owners of Balvanera raised $124,000 from 63 investors to open a new brick-and-mortar location in Pittsburgh. To celebrate, they hosted a soft opening feature with their investors. Check out a video of the event here!



3. Show your appreciation!

Consider sending personalized notes or gifts. A personalized note or a small gift can make investors feel valued. These gestures of thanks show you don't just see them as investors, but as integral members of your business's community and success.

Check out some examples of how Honeycomb alumni utilized gifts to thank their investors.

Ecotone Renewables, who raised $124,000 from 105 investors to convert food waste into a powerful liquid fertilizer. Owners Dylan & Kyle sent their investors composting materials during the holidays as a thank you!


Monday Coffee raised $124,000 from 81 investors to open a brick-and-mortar. Check out what owners Felton & Amanda sent their investors during the holiday season as a token of appreciation.



Closing Note

Don't be scared to let investors know when things aren't going well.
Let Honeycomb know and we'll help you communicate a quick recap of what is going on. Silence can be costly and ruin trust and reputations.