How to Host a Pitch Event

Hosting a pitch event is an excellent way to engage potential and current investors about your business, growth project, and Honeycomb offering. In-person events can be key to driving larger dollar investments!

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LaTasha of KraVegan received $51,500 from 35 local investors to expand her vegan sauce line. Part of her success was attributed to her successful pitch night! 

7 Steps to Running a Great Pitch Event

  1. Find a Location
    If you don't have a location, consider partnering with other local businesses or using public spaces like town halls. Other local businesses that sell your products can be great spots in absence of your own location. 
  2. Market the Event
    Create an Eventbrite page (example here) with the location, time, and description of your pitch event. 
  3. Invite Your Community.  
    Invite your current and prospective investors, share the invite on your social media or through your customer email newsletter, or with anyone you think may be interested.  
  4. Prepare  
    There are three main things to prepare for your event.
    1. Prepare a "Run-of-Show" (example here) so that you have an outline of the event.
    2. Touch base with your Honeycomb Customer Experience Manager to receive marketing materials with a QR code leading to your dedicated offering page. 
    3. Prepare any food or drinks you may need for the event.
  5. Deliver a Quick Presentation 
    Prepare a presentation (example here) outlining your Honeycomb Credit offering, focusing on goals, progress, and plans for growth. 
  6. Engage with Attendees
    Encourage your audience to ask questions during your presentation, or offer a Q&A section at the conclusion of your presentation. After your pitch, chat & mingle with attendees. 
  7. Follow-up Post-Event 
    Send your attendees a thank you note. If you had any conversations with people that agreed to invest at the event, follow-up with them post-event! 

Materials from Ubuntu Fine Art Gallery's Successful Pitch Event

Steven Taylor, owner of Ubuntu Fine Art Gallery received $25,500 to refinance high-interest debt. One way Steven promoted his offerings was through a Pitch Event. Below, find some of the material's Steven used to make his event a success.

Event Materials:

  • Invite Materials
    • Steven's sent out an invitation through his business's email newsletter. The invites highlighted the opportunity for attendees to be part of Ubuntu's growth story.
  • Run-of-Show
    • This document provides a detailed schedule and plan for hosting an open house event for potential investors. This includes the event's timeline, presentation segments, engagement activities, and facilitation of discussions and investments.
  • Presentation
    • This presentation outlines the gallery's business model, mission, and unique aspects that make it an appealing investment opportunity. Steven included Ubuntu's history, community involvement, future plans, and strategy for the investment received through Honeycomb Credit.