Investment Perks

Perks can serve as a powerful incentive to increase the average investment size in your offering. Use perks as a way to motivate your community to invest larger amounts.

Perk Structure Best Practices

  1. Offer 2-4 tiers of perks. At least 2 to draw intrigue, but no more than 4 to not overwhelm potential investors. 
  2. Anchor your first tier at $500 at least. Remember, Honeycomb's minimum investment amount is $100, and the point of perks is to bring up the average investment size!
  3. Use perks as a way to generate more revenue for your business. For example, offering discounts such as "Invest $1,000 and receive a 10% discount on in-store purchases!" Make sure any discounts are in line with your business's financial goals.
  4. Make sure your description is clear, concise, and easy to understand. Try giving each tier a fun and catchy name!


Types of Investor Perks 

There are various types of perks to offer investors during your Honeycomb offering. Here are a few types of different perk categories to make investors feel valued and engaged with your business.

1. Unique Experience Perks

  • Exclusive Cooking Class: $2,500 - Join us for an exclusive cooking class where you'll learn to prepare signature dishes from our chef. Enjoy a complimentary glass of wine as you cook.
  • Create Your Own Pizza Night: $5,000 - Design your own pizza flavor with our team! Host a pizza party for up to 10 friends, where everyone can create their own pizzas.

2. Merchandise Perks

  • Merch Bundle:  $1,000 - A bundle including a hat featuring our logo, and one of our coffee mugs, and a bag of seasonal coffee beans!
  • Personalized Chef's Knife: $2,500 - Get a high-quality chef's knife engraved with your name, similar to those used by our kitchen staff.

3. Discount Perks

  • 10% off for 1 year: $1,000 - Enjoy 10% on all in-store purchases in the year following your investment!
  • Investor Club Discount: $5,000 - Enjoy 15% off dine-in purchases at the taproom for the duration of our Honeycomb loan!

Successful Investor Perk Examples 

Here two examples of Honeycomb alumni that performed really well in offering perks!

David of Chubby Cattle received $69,000+ from 36 local investors to renovate the second floor of his restaurant. 

Chubby Cattle Perks

Jordan of Roost Uncommon Kitchen received $43,000+ from 43 investors to improve operational efficiency!

Roost Uncommon Kitchen Perks

Use AI to Generate Your Investor Perks in Less Than 2 Minutes

Running into writer's block with perk generation? No problem! Use the Honeycomb Bot to generate investor perks for your Honeycomb offering: