Social Media Content

Social Media posts to help you get engagement on your offering page!

We created 9 social media templates for you to use:

Post #1 | Post #2 | Post #3 | Post #4

Post #5 | Post #6 | Post #7 | Post #8

| Post #9 |

Before you Post on Instagram:

Be sure to add your offering page link to your bio! To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your profile
  2. Click "Edit profile"
  3. Click "Links"
  4. Click "Add external link"
  5. In the URL, paste the offering link that we gave you.
  6. For the Title, add something like "You can invest in [Business Name] and earn a return!"

When you Post on Facebook:

Be sure to add your offering page link to each Facebook posts itself. 

Post #1


  • Your offering manager will send you a download link for two videos. One video will be the full, 60-second horizontal video that can be found directly on your offering page. The other video will be a shorter, 10-second vertical "Reel" video that is optimized for viewing on phones.
    • If you're on Instagram, use the "Reel" video that we sent you and use the caption below.
    • If you're on Facebook or another social media site, you can use the full video we sent.


We have a BIG announcement for [YOUR BUSINESS NAME]. We’re launching an offering with Honeycomb Credit! Because of amazing customers like you, we’re ready to expand our business and we want you to be a part of our success. Through Honeycomb, *you* can become an investor in our business - starting with as little as $100!

With the funds that you’re investing, we plan to [INSERT REASON FOR OFFERING AND WHY IT WILL HELP YOUR BUSINESS]. Investing is super easy, and you can start by checking out our offering page here. [link, or say "Click the link in our bio" if posting on Instagram]


Post #2


These are intended to be used in a carousel format on Instagram

1 - Post 2 What is Honeycomb 2 - Post 2_ What is Honeycomb 3 - Post 2_ What is Honeycomb 4 - Post 2_ What is Honeycomb 5 - Post 2_ What is Honeycomb 6 - Post 2_ What is Honeycomb

Click on graphics to download


Since we launched our offering on [XX DATE], you might be wondering what Honeycomb Credit even is and how it works. We decided to partner with Honeycomb because they’re a platform that allow small businesses like us to let their customers become investors, rather than getting a loan from a bank. We’re not asking for donations like a Kickstarter or a GoFundMe - you truly get to invest in us, meaning we’ll have the opportunity to pay you back, with interest! Not only is working with Honeycomb easier than working with a bank, we’d rather pay you back than a bank. To learn more, [Facebook: head to this link] [Instagram: find the link in our bio!].


Post #3

Content: Choose a picture from your offering page, a picture of your space, or even take a selfie video to talk directly to your audience.


Thank you to everyone who’s invested in [YOUR BUSINESS’S NAME] so far! We’ve got this far because of your investments! We’re honored that you trust us, and we’re excited about what we plan to do with this loan once we hit our goal.

So you know what you’re investing in exactly, [DESCRIBE USE OF FUNDS HERE]. You can vote with your dollars and make a return easily by investing in our growth today!  Check out our offering on Honeycomb here: [link, or link in bio if IG]


Post #4


Post 4_ Ask their audience to share info about the campaign

Click on the graphic to download


The [YOUR BUSINESS’S NAME] team is absolutely in awe of all of you who have invested in our Honeycomb offering so far - we’re so excited that you all have been investing your hard-earned money in us, and we’re even more excited for the opportunity to grow and pay you back! But we’re not done yet - Do you know anyone who is looking to expand their investment portfolio, or just loves small businesses in general? Share this post with them, or tag them here to let them know about this awesome investment opportunity.


Post #5


Post 5_ Minimum hit

Click on the graphic to download


We hit our minimum goal for our Honeycomb offering! This means that we can get started on our [INSERT USE OF FUNDS]. But we’re not done just yet! We want to raise enough to hit our max goal. If we hit our max goal, here’s what we’ll be able to do. [INSERT USE OF FUNDS FOR MAX GOAL]. Are you ready to help us get there, together? Our growth is your growth, invest today starting at $100! [link, or link in bio if IG]


Post #6


Post 6_ Final Week

Click on the graphic to download


There’s only a few days left before our Honeycomb offering closes! This is your last chance to invest in [YOUR BUSINESS’S NAME]! We want you, our community, to benefit from us growing, which is why we want to back this loan’s interest to YOU, not a bank. If you haven’t already, check out our offering. If you have invested, tell your friends there’s only a few days left. Expand your investment portfolio by investing in [YOUR BUSINESS’S NAME]  - we’re a whole lot cooler than crypto. [link, or link in bio if IG]


Post #7

Content: Choose a picture from your offering page, a picture of your space, or even take a selfie video to talk directly to your audience.


As our Honeycomb investment opportunity is coming to an end, we’ve been thinking about how far we’ve come since we started [YOUR BUSINESS’S NAME]. [INSERT STORY ABOUT HOW YOU GOT STARTED, YOUR FIRST STEPS IN CREATING THE BUSINESS, AND HOW MUCH YOU’VE ACCOMPLISHED SINCE THEN].

Thank you to everyone who believes in our journey! You all are proof that people want to invest in small businesses like ours, and you’re voting with your dollars. We’re excited to have the opportunity to grow with your investment, and to pay back the community that has given us so much already. [link, or link in bio if IG]


Post #8


Post 8_ Last Chance

Click on the graphic to download


It’s your final chance to become an investor in [YOUR BUSINESS’S NAME]’s expansion - our story can be part of your investment portfolio! Every single investment helps us give our best selves back to this community - altogether your investments are creating [INSERT USE OF FUNDS HERE]. We’re excited to partner with you throughout our growth. [link, or link in bio if IG]


Post #9


1-Aug-08-2023-04-31-10-6931-PM 2-Aug-08-2023-04-31-33-6402-PM

Click on the graphic to download


Friends - We've hit our max goal on our Honeycomb Credit offering! Thank you so much to every single one of our investors for believing in our business. We are so excited to get started on our project, and we can't wait to take all of our investors along for the journey.
Stay tuned!



Click here to see examples from previous successful offerings!