Real Outreach Examples from Honeycomb Alumni

Real text messages that previous successful Honeycomb Alumni sent out

Text Message Examples:

Example 1

“So I finally decided to take the next step with my restaurant and I’m so excited about it. I will be running an investment offering with Honeycomb Credit. They are a great organization that helps entrepreneurs get funding for business loans through their community rather than going to a bank.  If you are willing to invest to help get me started, I would appreciate it so much! Investment opportunities start at just $100!”

Example 2

“The bakery is thriving and we’ve outgrown the commercial kitchen we’ve been working out of. We’re ready to open up our own brick-and-mortar shop! To get the capital I’ll need to build out the space, I am working with a company called Honeycomb Credit. They offer a really cool platform where my friends and family can invest in a small business loan for my business. For example, you could invest just $100 in my business, and Honeycomb packages all the investments up into a loan for me. Then you’ll get repaid your $100 investment with interest over time. It’s a way for me to pay back the people I love rather than pay back a bank!”

Example 3

“I’m finally starting that flower shop that I’ve been talking about for so long! To get the funds to start the shop, I’m going to raise money from my inner circle through a platform called Honeycomb Credit. With Honeycomb, my friends and family can invest in a small business loan for my shop. Would you be willing to invest in the offering to help me get the store off the ground? The minimum investment amount is $100!”

Example 4

“The time has finally come. You know the whiskey business has been my dream since I was 15. I’m finally opening it up and I want you to join me. I’m going to be running an investment offering on Honeycomb. Honeycomb is this really innovative platform that brings my friends and family into the distillery by allowing them to invest in a small business loan for me. Can I count on you to be an early backer of my offering? You’ll get repaid plus interest on your investment!”

Example 5

“The business has been so strong lately - we’re ready to expand! Next week, I am launching an investment offering to expand the facility. I’m working with a company called Honeycomb Credit - their platform allows my friends and supporters to invest in a small business loan for me. We're building some early support to build momentum, can I count you in for a couple of grand?”

Email Examples:

Example 1

“I know that you expressed interest in the investment opportunity I had mentioned. I wanted to share a few more details.

As you know, the distillery needs some funds to really kick things into gear. We have the plans all drawn up to increase distribution into 10 new states. Now, all we need is the funds to get that ball rolling. 

I'm running an investment offering on Honeycomb Credit to get those funds without a bank. Instead, I'm giving the opportunity to those who know me and the distillery to invest in a small business loan for the business. I didn't build this distillery for banks but for those who enjoy whiskey like I do, like you do, like all my friends do. 

What do you think? Are you interested in learning more and becoming an early investor?”

Example 2

“Business has really been blowing up lately. We've decided to move into a bigger space to serve more customers and take advantage of our momentum.

We're putting the funding together in a pretty unique way.  Instead of dealing with a bank, we're letting our friends and customers participate in our success by lending the money directly to the business.  We're working with this company called Honeycomb - they've been featured in Forbes and GeekWire. They specialize in helping companies like us get to the next level.

The deal will be on a 5-year amortizing note with a 10% annual interest rate with full collateral on the business.  I'm lining up some folks who can invest a few grand on the first day of the offering to build early momentum - can I count you in?”

Example 3

“I'm reaching out because I'm looking to expand the restaurant by building a back patio and purchasing more equipment. The total project cost is $75,000. Rather than dealing with a bank loan (banks can take months to approve loans) or getting funding from online lenders (the interest cost on these can be astronomical), I am working with an innovative company called Honeycomb Credit. Their platform allows me to run an investment offering where my friends and family can invest in a small business loan for me. It’s different than GoFundMe, because you get your money back with interest. 

I’m really excited to offer this opportunity to my close network. The funds will be critical in really helping my business grow. You can check out my business financials in the attachment. My projections show that I will be earning 3x my current revenue with this new patio which is more than enough to service this loan. 

Are you interested in becoming an investor in the offering? Call me with any questions. More than happy to discuss this in more detail!