Third Touchpoint Messaging Templates - Launch Day!

Text and Email templates to follow-up with your early potential investors on your launch day. Pick which ones you like and adopt them to your own voice!


Third Touchpoint Templates: Launch Day!

Launch Day Text 1 | Launch Day Text 2 | Launch Day Email 1

Launch Day Text 1:

Great news – our investment opportunity on Honeycomb is now live! We are officially accepting investments from our close supporters like you. Your investment not only supports our mission but also gives you a chance to share in our future profits. Let me repay you! Your trust and support mean the world to us, and we'd be honored to have you on this exciting journey with us. You can check out the live offering here: [INSERT OFFERING PAGE LINK].

Launch Day Text 2:

My investment offering with Honeycomb Credit has launched! Now's your chance to become an investor in my business! I'm sharing this opportunity first with a few close people in my personal network, before I start promoting it to my broader customer and social media audience. I'm looking to gain some early momentum into the offering. So if you're interested in investing, the most advantageous time to do it would be in the next few days. The checkout process only takes a minute. You can check out the live offering here: [INSERT OFFERING PAGE LINK]. Let me know if you have any questions! 

Launch Day Email 1:

I've got some exciting news, and I wanted to share it with you first! Our business's investment opportunity with Honeycomb Credit is now live and officially accepting investments. I wanted to offer this opportunity to a few of our cherished family and friends first, before announcing the live offering to our broader customer and social media audience.

Your support has always meant the world to us, and we'd be honored to have you as one of our earliest investors. This is your chance to be a part of our journey right from the start.

To explore this opportunity and invest in our business, click the link below:


If you have any questions or need more details, don't hesitate to reach out. Your support means everything to us, and we can't wait to have you with us on this exciting adventure.

Here's to investing local!